Why? Because after the election, Planned Parenthood can count on only a third of the Congress being firmly pro-abortion.
“Yesterday was a difficult day” she wrote in that e-mail. “Despite some bright spots in important races -- and the resounding defeat of an anti-choice ballot initiative in Colorado -- the House of Representatives is now in the hands of dangerous politicians. There’s no getting around it: the results of yesterday’s election are truly alarming. Starting today, we have a tough fight on our hands. The months ahead will not be easy. Anti-choice House leaders like John Boehner will be egged on by Sarah Palin and her followers."
Of course, "dangerous" is a tragically ironic word for Planned Parenthood to use since more than a third of their business profits come from killing human children in the womb through barbaric surgery -- and a huge chunk of their other profits come from killing preborn kids through various chemical poisons.
But let the word stand. Let the new G.O.P. Congressional majority indeed prove "dangerous" to Planned Parenthood. Let them do much more than they've previously done and finally make this vicious, racist and eugenicist organization get along without millions of taxpayer dollars.
It's way past time. So let the letters and calls begin anew (along with your prayers) to see Mike Spence's bill de-funding Planned Parenthood become law.