Carroll shows how President Obama, despite the "shellacking" his out-of-touch, foolish spending Democrat Party took last Tuesday, he is digging his heels in to defend ObamaCare -- every doggone bit of it. Therefore, the G.O.P. has got to show a lot of guts, a lot of creativity, a lot of hard work, and a lot of responsibility to the American public to get this monster off our backs ASAP.
But that's not all.
The Heritage Foundation has outlined five essential steps to turn America around from the disastrous course set for it by Team Obama. They call it "Solutions for America: Get to Work." It represents what the Heritage Foundation argues (and argues well) are "the bare minimum required for Washington to fulfill its electoral mandate, meet its constitutional responsibilities and get America started on the right track." Those five basic categories are: 1) Freeze and cut spending; 2) Repeal ObamaCare; 3) Stop the Obama tax hikes; 4) Protect America; and 5) Get control of government.
You can read a lot more of the details of this program here. But may I make a suggestion right now relevant to #1? I'm going to be aggressively agitating my Congressman, Senators and the G.O.P. leadership to establish as high priorities in their cost-cutting plans the de-funding of Planned Parenthood, the de-funding of the National Endowment of the Arts, and the de-funding of National Public Radio and the Public Broadcasting System. The money saved would be significant and would be an important indication that the United States government was no longer going to serve as the checkbook for the radical left.
Join me, won't you?