Facebook is a forum that politicians are increasingly hep to PLUS they know a whole lot of others will read your message there. Thus, a Facebook message is perhaps even more effective than a direct e-mail.
It's a very nifty idea.
Ron's suggestion for a "first shot" Facebook message to Republicans is a request that they make an effective protest to President Obama's luxurious vacation trip to India. Ron warns against us all copying the same message (so as to avoid our efforts looking like a computerized mass mailing) but to post something like this -- "Dear ----- Someone has got to make a gesture of some kind to stop or condemn in the strongest terms this $2-billion dollar vacation to India. It is a slap in the face to all of us. We had an election to give the GOP one last chance, but not as Bush’s spineless Congress."
Here's the one I'm sending: "Hey, ---- President Obama's decision to take this needless, outlandishly expensive vacation trip to India shows how arrogant, out-of-touch and fiscally irresponsible he is. I'm hoping you will publicly protest this wasteful spending in the strongest terms -- and often. It is a great teaching moment for the American public to show the differences between the Democrat Party's rhetoric and the Democrat Party's real disregard for American values."
Okay...your turn!
P.S. Some of the legislators' Facebook pages do not allow for comments to be posted on their Wall. But, if they have a page for "Just Others," you can post your comments there. Some are more difficult still. Some do not allow posts at all. For those folks, you can consider: 1) Communicating through the Facebook's "Message" feature; 2) Using regular e-mail; 3) Writing a letter and using the postal service to get it there. Of course, with the latter two options, you must realize that some legislators won't bother to even take your correspondence unless you're in their district. Bad form but that's how they are. Their votes directly effect your liberties, your opportunities, and your pocketbook -- but they can't be bothered by your opinions.