Friday, October 15, 2010

Think the NRA Represents Conservatism? Think Again!

"The NRA has endorsed 39 House Democrat candidates even though their Republican challengers champion the Second Amendment. To add insult to injury, the organization is endorsing them in center-right House districts that Republicans could win."

Here's more...

Right-to-life groups have three criteria candidates must meet to get their endorsement, Americans for Tax for Reform have candidates sign a pledge, but the NRA doesn’t require candidates to meet certain criteria or a sign pledge to uphold the Second Amendment for its endorsement; it’s a purely subjective judgment call.

For example, in last year’s special election for New York’s 23rd Congressional District, the NRA supported leftist Republican Dede Scozzafava over Conservative Party candidate Doug Hoffman. Scozzafava eventually dropped from the race and endorsed Democrat Bill Owens over Hoffman. Now, the NRA endorses Owens over Republican Matt Doheny in November.

Even though the NRA supports Republicans and has given 71 percent of its political action committee’s contributions to GOP candidates, that percentage is down compared to previous election cycles. The Democrat Party is the problem plaguing America and ignoring that problem is a fatal mistake.

A lot of so-called conservatives avoid discussing how the NRA is undermining the conservative movement and Republican efforts to oust George Soros’ Shadow Party Democrats from power. “Great Americans” Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, et al either won’t mention the NRA’s undermining activities or they dance around them when they’re pointed out and never openly criticize the organization.

Major online conservative gatekeeper publications aren’t much better. They have been treading lightly over the NRA’s underhanded endorsements of Democrats, as if they’re trying their level best to remain in the good graces of the organization.

The NRA hides behind the one-issue, gun-rights only claim, and endorses Democrats to ensure participation in future elections. The organization didn’t oppose Eric Holder for attorney general and waited until the last minute to come out against Obama’s leftist Supreme Court nominees. It signed on to the Disclose Act, which was a carefully crafted Democrat scheme to impose onerous disclosure requirements on over 100,000 nonprofits and activist groups to prevent them from engaging in any effective political speech during campaign season. Such tactics are a fool’s game for those who feed the crocodile believing they will be the last to be eaten.

Face it; this hypocritical “arrogant and elitist” organization has more in common with Chuck Schumer than it does with Chuck Heston. Much like the leftist, race-baiting poverty pimps Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, who fuel the race issue for relevance and money, the NRA’s Wayne LaPierre and chief lobbyist Chris Cox don’t seem too anxious for the gun control issue to go away. They appear to be more concerned with preserving their six-figure salaries than with upholding the Second Amendment and defeating the one party that unambiguously has been behind all gun control legislation...

Read the rest of this enlightening post (with inclusions from Red State) over at Liberty Juice.