And two, for the first time in months, the abortion mill was closed! Hooray!
I'm afraid I wasn't there personally to join in the celebration. The gang went out for coffee after (Claire, Ruth, Carol, Quint, Larry, Dick, Allen, and Steve) but I was in another part of town being interviewed by Kristen Kelly on KCRO radio. One of the other guests scheduled to appear didn't show and so I had two segments of the program, one about 12 minutes, the other about 15. I talked about Vital Signs Ministries, the breadth of our activities, and Christian activism in general. Specific issues that got a clear airing included the new Nebraska fetal pain law, the proposed federal feta pain legislation, the new Planned Parenthood abortion business opening soon in northwest Omaha, and the City of Omaha proposing changes in the law which would give special "protection" for sexual deviants.
Claire and I reconnected about 11 this morning. But instead of starting on the blog, I had a couple of letters to write as well as a longer piece for the newsletter of Faith Bible Church which was due at...what's that? Noon? Yipes!
That's okay. I got it in just under the wire.
Next up are preparations for tonight's letter-writing party with a visit to my Mom's and mowing the lawn thrown in for good measure. So, like so many Mondays, there just isn't time for regular blogging. Sorry.
You can, however, check out that letter I sent over to Faith Bible Church because I'll post that here on Vital Signs Blog. After all, it deals with thanksgiving and that's relevant to us all. But besides that, I'll see you tomorrow.