Monday, August 09, 2010

Manic Monday

Okay, I managed to get back to blogging a bit today -- but just a bit. For the schedule today has already included sidewalk counseling down in Bellevue, mowing the lawn in this scorching heat, then applying the next round of Scott's lawn stuff to the front (I think this time around it was a summer fertilizer) and then watering it in.

Then a couple of posts here on Vital Signs Blog.

Next up? Well, the correspondence and the back yard's treatment will have to wait until later in the day (as will breakfast and lunch!) because we have to get ready now to take our next presentation of "When Swing Was King" to a new nursing home. We were up late last night revising it but I think we are finally calling it a done deal. Only another 13 or fifteen to create!

And one more quick item -- while counseling this morning, Claire took a call on her cell phone letting us know we were invited to another independent living complex to present "When Swing Was King." That makes five so far and we think they all want us on their regular schedule! Like we had time to spare!

I'll let you know how it goes.