Friday, August 20, 2010

And They Dare Think Barack Obama Is Not a Christian!

It is a sign of just how out of touch Team Obama is when they are perplexed, even indignant over the new poll results showing that a substantial percentage of Americans believe their man to be a Muslim.

For instance, in remarks made to reporters yesterday, White House spokesman Bill Burton managed to show his general contempt for the seriously religious (it's a key element of political correctness that spiritual concerns be private and peripheral) as well as insisting that because he "prays every day" that Barack Obama "is obviously a Christian."

But is Obama's crew so utterly, mindlessly carnal that they cannot understand why Americans might suspect the Christianity of their man? After all, he has zealously promoted the heinous actions of abortion and embryo-destructive experimentation. And there's that business of his 20-year loyalty to a racist preacher whose religion was more Marxist philosophy than biblical Christianity. Furthermore, President Obama proudly carries the banner not for Catholic or evangelical groups but for Planned Parenthood and homosexual advocates.

And what of Barack Hussein Obama's Muslim childhood? The man has been mysteriously silent about almost everything in his past except for his endearing memories of Islam.

Obama's socialism clearly trumps whatever spiritual values he entertains. Remember his comments a few weeks ago insisting than individual salvation was intertwined with collective salvation? That's not Christianity; that's heresy. And Americans have seen that Obama prefers golf to church attendance; that his programs and numerous appointments marks the most extreme of anti-life, anti-family agendas; and that the breadth of the Nanny State he envisions would re-define freedom of religion to be merely freedom of worship (meaning don't let your religion effect anything outside of your hour of devotion inside the sanctuary).

A few other reasons why Americans might doubt their President's Christianity? Well, let's see. His administration has all but ignored the cause of human rights (especially the persecution of Christians). And after he got Christians' votes, he dismantled the office he had created for cooperation with faith-based agencies. And, oh yes; the "devotional" computer program that he claims to be a key part of his Christian experience contains more poetry and quotes "from the world's great religions" than it does from the Bible.

To illustrate the matter in a different way, take Muslim author Asma Gull Hasan. She's very liberal and a big fan of Barack Obama. The man's policies and pronouncements elicited from her an op/ed published in Forbes that reinforce the opinions of that 24% in the PRC poll. And the article, "My Muslim President Obama," was written even before Obama had a chance to really show his stuff.

And what about character issues? Barack Obama has proven arrogant, conniving, vindictive, and self-centered to the max. He has consistently lied to the American public. He has borne false witness. He makes false promises. And the only religion he has shown respect for, the only religion he praises publicly (and often), the only religion that he caters to please with his political Islam.

This, Mr. Burton, is not the lifestyle or the social platform of "an obvious Christian." And that's why 24% of those responding to the poll believe Barack Obama is a Muslim, a substantially higher number that answered similar polls earlier in his presidency. It's what the man has done (and failed to do) that creates this opinion, not the occasional assurance from a White House aide.

"By your fruits, you shall know them," said Jesus. And the fruits of the Obama presidency reveal something quite different than genuine Christianity.