Monday, July 19, 2010

Would Darwin Grant You a License to Breed?

In the 5 years before the Second World War, Germany sterilized somewhere around 400,000 people whom eugenicists deemed "unfit to breed." However, Germany wasn't alone in pursuing this goal. In the early decades of the 20th Century, the United States sterilized 60,000 -- 20,000 from California alone.

David Klinghoffer has a provocative article over at the Huffington Post which summarizes a new documentary, What Hath Darwin Wrought?, that is making waves even before it is shown. The film takes a hard look at the eugenics movement so thoroughly denounced in our time but once highly praised by Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger and other "progressives." The documentary delves into the philosophical foundations of eugenics all the way back to Darwin's survival of the fittest -- foundations that Klinghoffer says are at the very least overlooked...and, quite possibly, willfully suppressed.