Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Whatever Happened to the Alvin Greene Mystery?

Remember Alvin Greene, the rather bizarre candidate who came from nowhere, was known by nobody, did no campaigning whatsoever and still won the Democrat primary for the U.S. Senate seat in South Carolina?

In the days after his stunning victory, there was all kinds of speculation by high-level Democrats and their pals in the press that Mr. Greene was some kind of plant supplied by secret money from Republicans. That, of course, was nonsense. But it certainly didn't stop the charge from making headlines for the next week or so.

Of course, those charges really begged the question -- why would South Carolina Democrats overwhelmingly vote for Greene (he won by an 18% margin over Vic Rawl, a career politician) when they knew absolutely nothing about him? They're really that desperate?

Yes, they are. And that's why they're now stuck with a candidate who is unemployed, lives with his parents, cannot hardly put three meaningful words together and, oh yeah, is awaiting trial on a felony charge for showing obscene photos to a college student.

So what of those headlines about Greene being a set up by the sinister G.O.P? Did subsequent investigation by tough and independent minded journalists ever uncover the Republican Daddy Warbucks who paid Greene's filing fee? And why did the story just drop off the front pages?

Because "news stories" involving charges of Republican dirty tricks suit the MSM's purpose much more than news stories which would exonerate them. Even worse, chasing the story to its conclusion would have made a Democrat demagogue like Congressman James Clyburn look exactly like the irresponsible clown he is.

And so, once the press had succeeded in redirecting the story away from Democrat foolishness and racist politics towards the specter of Republican hijinks, they were done with it. In typical fashion, the suspicions they had raised were enough.

They didn't really want the answers.

Particularly when the solution to the mystery was that Greene himself paid that $10, 400 primary entry fee. And he paid it with taxpayer help; namely, from his military discharge and his ongoing unemployment checks.

But since that story would tend to reflect badly on Democrats instead of Republicans, you never heard it on Katie Couric or read it in the New York Times. INo, fact-based journalism comes almost exclusively nowadays from the alternative media. And, in this case, the credit goes to conservative bloggers like Hot Air, Red State and NewsRealBlog. Thanks, guys.