Monday, July 19, 2010

Modern College Students: "Experts in Infidelity"

Thanks to a society that no longer believes in healthy boundaries nor explains why they are important, students on college campuses are learning to be experts in infidelity; they are studying how to lie and cheat with their bodies and affections...Ask any college student on your choice of campuses across the United States and few would contest that the hook-up culture has wiped out the dating scene and has emerged as primary mode of interacting among young adults...

Knowing what promiscuity has brought to the party (epidemic levels of sexually transmitted disease, confusion and guilt, loss of self-esteem and empowerment, broken hearts, long term physiological effects, and the prelude to failure in marriage), this brief Mercator article by Viviana M Garcia is awfully frightening.

And yet, Garcia sees some grounds for hope, particularly in the increasing participation of students in groups like the one she helped found at Providence College, groups that provide information, encouragement and accountability so that students make wise choices. Check it out here.