Thursday, June 10, 2010

What's Behind the Abortion Rhetoric? A Baby!

Thanks to Pampers for creating this compelling, warm-hearted app for the new iPad. It's a very effective reminder of the wonder and preciousness of human life in the womb. And it's a striking rebuke to so-called liberals who, despite the scientific evidence and clear biblical teaching about the sanctity of human life, continue to defend abortion.

This is most definitely a clip to pass on -- but not just to family and friends. Send it also to your congressmen, your Senators, your local reporters and your acquaintances who yet believe Planned Parenthood's lies about fetal development.

And one more thing: consider sending a thank-you to Pampers for developing this great app. You can e-mail them from this page on their web site or call them at 1-800-PAMPERS (726-7377).