Thursday, June 03, 2010

Houston Mayor Welcomes Planned Parenthood Super-Center

There's been a buzz in the pro-life community about the recent opening of a monstrous (and I mean that in at least two applications) Planned Parenthood building in Houston, Texas. The 7-story building is situated to best "serve" poor neighborhoods -- meaning that Margaret Sanger, Planned Parenthood's racist founder who desperately wanted the population of racial minorities and other "inferiors" thinned out, would be pleased.

The ghastly building (and I mean that in at least two applications) has been described by a Planned Parenthood official as “sacred and holy ground.” This despite the fact that, among its other "services," preborn boys and girls will be brutally killed inside.

Houston mayor Annise Parker was a guest of honor at the opening. In fact, she made a speech which overflowed with admiration for Planned Parenthood. Does she not know that Planned Parenthood abortionists kill more preborn babies than any other group? Does she not know of their criminal activity such as covering up statutory rape? Does the mayor not know of their obscene and blasphemous "educational" materials or of their gleeful promotion of various sexual perversions?

Of course she knows. And yet Mayor Parker was there to sing the praises of this wicked organization.

You can contact Mayor Annise D. Parker at the City of Houston, P.O. Box 1562, Houston, TX 77251 (email: and politely let her know what you think of her participation in this event.