Tuesday, May 11, 2010

One Vote Short: Kansas Late-Term Abortion Ban Fails

My sister Sherry passed on an item from OneNewsNow that dramatically emphasizes the power of one vote (and thus the critical importance of citizen advocacy to make sure those principled votes are available).

The attempt to override Kansas Governor Mark Parkinson's (D) veto on a pro-life bill has failed by one vote.

The bill would have required late-term abortionists to provide more detailed information on reasons for abortions as a way to make sure they are complying with state restrictions.

Kathy Ostrowski, legislative director of Kansans for Life, points out there have been no late-term abortions in Kansas since George Tiller was killed in Wichita in May of 2009. "All those senators who voted against this override and said they dislike late-term abortions have just invited late-term abortionists back into the state," Ostrowski comments. "We had a chance to close an era, and tragically, it is still open."

This means well-known late-term abortionists like LeRoy Carhart, who once worked for George Tiller, are still in business.

Ostrowski notes Carhart recently informed the Associated Press he was waiting for the outcome of the vote "and that he was in flux about moving back and opening up a late-term shop here in Kansas. He and two other late-term abortionists still practicing this grizzly late-term abortion are all in possession of Kansas medical licenses and can come back at any time on a part-time or full-time basis," she laments.