Here's the latest episode of "The Nanny State Chronicles."
You don't mess with the government. It will bite back -- and hard.
That's the lesson now being learned by a Philadelphia foster mom who blew the whistle on a Department of Human Services bureaucrat who talked a 16-year old girl into a late term abortion and then drove her into another state to have the inhumane operation performed.
But it's not the social worker who got in trouble. Certainly not. Government workers are the experts who can do no wrong.
But they can get even.
Citing the breaking of a confidentiality agreement, the government quickly moved in to take away the other children in the foster mom's care. Her home has already been designated as unfit as a foster facility.
And that's just the beginning. The woman has been threatened by a government worker who told her "that trouble was in her future." She was further informed she would be sued. "Find yourself lots of money because you're not going to come out from this one very well."
Note too that this ugly bullying isn't just a matter of a single bullying bureaucrat. It goes all the way up to the Philadelphia mayor's office. A spokesman of that office said, "It's now become clear that the foster mother has violated Pennsylvania state law regarding confidentiality, therefore potentially compromising the safety and well-being of the children in her care."
Wow. Government workers have, in this sad case, cooperated with an abortionist to kill a late-term unborn child and yet they shamelessly talk about a child's "safety and well-being?"
I think I'm gonna' be sick.
For her part, the DHS Commissioner is not only angry about the foster mom's revelations of her agency's tyrannical actions, she's freaked out that the Daily News dared report it. After all, liberals naturally think that the press is their friend, willing to cover up dirt, distort facts, and go after whoever is opposing the State.
Not this time.