Tuesday, March 16, 2010

What Persecution?

John Hinderaker returns to the topic of Christians being persecuted by radical Muslims and why this is almost completely ignored by Western churches as well as being so ineptly reported by the media (when they deign to notice it at all).

For some reason, such attacks seem to baffle the observers and reporters who try to explain them. Thus, the AP quotes "human rights groups" who say that attacks on Christians are on the rise, "underscoring the government's failure to address chronic sectarian strains in a society where religious radicalism is gaining ground." The story does not make clear how this particular rampage was the fault of the Egyptian government, or how those "chronic sectarian strains" are manifested other than in attacks by Muslims on Christians.

A local security official offered the hypothesis that this weekend's attacks "were provoked by a new fence built around the community center." Huh? Christians build a fence and that somehow goads Muslims into trying to kill them? It makes one wonder why they built the fence in the first place. If I had neighbors that touchy, I'd build a fence too.

The last explanation offered by the AP is the most mysterious of all: "Nader Shokry, a researcher with the Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights, which tracks religious violence, said residents of the area also said the Muslim cleric's sermon was inflammatory and probably in response to prayers held in the community center."

That's the conclusion of the article, so the reader is left hanging. Someone apparently thought it made sense to "explain" that these Muslims tried to murder Christians because they had been praying. I don't know; maybe no explanation is necessary. Maybe "jihad against infidels" says it all.

Here's the Power Line post in its entirety.