Conservative women don't count.
Indeed, from these same American institutions, women who are conservative are routinely demeaned and mocked, increasingly in disturbingly sexist, even violent ways.
You think I'm exaggerating?
The Culture & Media Institute has assembled a most ignoble Top Ten list of what media had to say over the past year about some of today’s most prominent conservative women, including Michelle Malkin, Elisabeth Hasselbeck, Sarah Palin and Liz Cheney. The statements were drawn from major TV network programs, Playboy, MSNBC, Rolling Stone, Sirius XM radio and others.
And it ain't pretty.
It's a very tragic and dangerous situation that women are spoken of in the ways you'll see in that list, especially when the perpetrators get away with it as they are regularly doing. The liberal's use of a double standard has never been so reprehensible.