But with Senator Nelson's bizarre actions recently, he's dropped more than 30 points in his approval ratings. After all, Nebraskans have witnessed Nelson's creepy coquetry with Harry Reid and Barack Obama, his abject surrender of his pro-life credentials, the back-room deals which gave (and then took away) the shameful "Cornhusker kickback," a whole pack of flip-flopping and distortions, his continued support of budget-busting boondoggle legislation even though his constituency has been adamantly against it, and his unwillingness to apologize for any of it. Indeed, he's used half a million dollars from the Democratic National Committee for TV commercials to boast about his outlandish and unprincipled deportment.
The spin, however, has failed. Nebraskans are extremely disappointed and still upset. And they're trying to communicate their displeasure (along with addressing specific issues) to Senator Nelson.
But where is he?
Except for the TV spots and one disastrous showing before a pro-life audience in Washington, the Senator has been conspicuously silent in recent weeks. Even the "Nelson in the News" section of his official website has it's last entry on December 8th! Has the arrogance he has displayed (surprising to us all) become so pronounced that he's stopped listening to the people of his state...stopped even trying to give the appearance that he's listening? For instance, the Senator's official website announces that his Washington, D.C. office has remained open despite the snowstorm. But is anyone in there?
Here's just one Nebraskan's experience in trying to communicate with her Senator. It comes from a thread taken from Michelle Sullivan's Facebook page. I reprint it with her permission. Michelle is a very sweet girl, responsible and bright and courteous. She is a wife and Mom and one of the Directors of the AAA Center for Pregnancy Counseling. She's the kind of person one would think Senator Nelson would like to hear from.
But that's not how it's working out. Here's Michelle:
Tried to send an e-mail to Senator Ben's office today. It was returned "undeliverable." His e-mail is either full or I have been blacklisted. I'm thinking blacklisted since the last five e-mails I sent were returned. I have over 1000 e-mails in my inbox...I'm just sayin...
Good thing I have his phone number...Oh wait! His voice mail is full too! Seems to me Ben really doesn't want to hear from We the little People! I have his fax numbers...HA!
Printed the letter and faxed it. I will be heard whether Ben likes what I have to say or not! I'm thinking not.
Wow! Ben really doesn't want to hear from "We the little People!" DC office fax doesn't pick up. Who turns off their fax machine? Got through on the Lincoln fax! HA!
And I am always so polite. I begin with "Dear Senator Nelson" and end with "Sincerely." Maybe it's what I have to say in between that he doesn't like so much. This letter was about Obama's 2011 budget funding ACORN $4 BILLION OF OUR TAX DOLLARS!! He probably won't like the letter.
And they don't receive their snail mail in DC either....something to do with anthrax.
You can see why folks are getting a bit peeved. Ben Nelson took the half million from the Democrat Party to talk to us. But he's stopped listening to us.
This certainly isn't the way to retrieve our affections or win back our respect, Senator.
Please, pick up.