And Ben Nelson's expensive ad campaign that is desperately trying to repair the damage he's done to his reputation and his political standing proves that he understands all too clearly that Nebraskans are pretty disgusted with him.
However, I read today in the Omaha World Herald that Senator Nelson claims that 9 out of 10 constituents he's encountered express support for his decision!
My, my. Senator Nelson, you should know that there are lies -- and then there are stupid, obviously ill-serving, whopper-type lies. You just gave us one of the latter.
You could have said "more than you might think" or "more all the time" or "about evenly split." Nobody would have believed those either but, given that you're a Democrat politician, they would have been within understandable parameters. But no, you had to go and make it into the silliest kind of schoolyard boast. 9 out of 10? Good grief.
Senator Nelson, you made a terrible decision in ratting out your much-vaunted pro-life principles and your "moderate" credentials by supporting this budget-busting, boondoggle bill. But you can still do the right thing by opposing it now. Instead, however, you are not only continuing a sad slide but you're making your fall from grace sloppier, uglier and more pitiful by the day.
Of course, there is the possibility that the Senator may be in some kind of psychotic denial and may actually believe that Nebraskans do support his "health care" decisions. So please be sure you are regularly writing, calling and e-mailing the Senator to help him learn the truth.