Monday, January 18, 2010

Obama Pick for EEOC Takes Intolerance to a Whole New Level

Chai Feldblum, a law professor at the once-Catholic Georgetown University, is Barack Obama's choice to head up the Equal Employment Opportunities Commission and, like so many other of his picks for powerful government positions, she is a person hell-bent on forcing traditional moral values, especially religious values, out of the public square.

Hold on a sec...Let me correct that.

Chai Feldblum isn't content with keeping religious ideas out of the marketplace. Indeed, if your "private beliefs" would somehow inhibit the "equality" of homosexuals, they've got to go. That's right; Feldblum believes that society cannot tolerate even "private beliefs" that are inconsistent with her own enlightened, progressive, irreligious views on sexuality.

For crying out loud, the list just keeps growing of Team Obama members that are not simply ultra-liberals but who are committed revolutionaries intent on using the power of the State to marginalize, criminalize and otherwise remove Christian values from the new order.

Here's the frightening details.

And notice that, as has becom the rule among Democrat politicians nowadays, Feldblum's nomination was advanced in a closed door session. These folks are deliberately, make that brazenly, keeping the American public from knowing what Team Obama is really all about.