But when the scalawag is a Democrat? Well then, reporters may share a private wink and nudge at the bar but they'll give the story no public airing at all.
It's just another in the long, long series of news stories ignored by the MSM because of their ideological double standards.
Here's the deal. OMB Director Peter Orszag (who has two children from his first marriage) recently had another child by his girlfriend, shipping heiress Claire Milonas. And that child was born just a few weeks before he announced his engagement. But not to the mother of his new daughter. No, Orszag's eyes had already roved to Bianna Golodryga, and it is this ABC News reporter who will become his bride next fall.
Julie Mason writing in the Examiner contrasts Orszag's loose morals with those "family values" so frequently touted by his boss.
Again, if the folks involved were Republicans, we'd have a juicy story being covered from every imaginable angle and treated with a disdain that would force the Budget Director to resign. But the MSM editors have decided there's no story here.
It's just Democrats being Democrats.