1) The Senate version of Obamacare does not have a “public option,” but creates an Office of Personnel Management which would administer two or more multi-state insurance plans, one of which would be subject to abortion limitations but the other open to covering or being required to cover elective abortions.
2) Private plans which cover abortions would qualify for a federal subsidy for individuals eligible for the subsidy. Every enrollee would be subject to a requirement that he or she pay for an abortion “surcharge” to cover elective abortions.
3) Many of the inadequate abortion “restrictions” are temporary and tied to whatever Congress decides they should be in the annual appropriations process.
4) There is no permanent ban on abortion funding in Indian health programs.
5) There is no language to prevent any agency or official given authority under the bill from issuing administrative mandates that would require any private health plan to cover abortions. For example, under the Mikulski amendment adopted by the Senate, a federal official merely has to make elective abortion a “preventive” service and its coverage would be mandated.
6) Abortion conscience protection for hospitals and medical professionals are inadequate.