Wednesday, December 02, 2009

The Emperor Gore Has No Clothes

Is it possible that Climategate really has done in the global warming madness? That these confessional e-mails have started ringing the death knells for the irrationality, junk science and lust for socialism that have always been behind man-made climate change?

Despite the stubborn stupidity of liberal politicians and the American media to face facts, has Climategate and the illuminating attention it has received from the British press and the American alternative media finally helped citizens to see that, like the fabled emperor who wore no clothes, that man-made global warming is a naked lie too?

I fear we are still a long way from being out of this mess. But the last couple of weeks have certainly provided more reasons to be hopeful.

And for a helpful review of those reasons, please read James Delingpole's excellent article, Climategate: It's All Unravelling Now, in (where else?) the Telegraph. It's a definite pass-around read.