Friday, December 04, 2009

Democrats Want to Tax You...Even When You're Dead

Just in case you think that the Democrats aren't busy picking your pockets in even more ways than the stimulus package, the bailouts, and the health care scam, think again.

The House, with all but 26 Democrats voting in favor, passed a measure on Thursday that would make the current estate tax rate permanent -- at 45%.

All House Republicans voted against the measure.

And the Democrats still have the nerve to tell us their on our side?

What George W. Bush had won previously, a gradual elimination altogether of the dreaded and monstrously unjust "death tax," the Democrats are now working hard to restore.

"We're currently scheduled to see the death tax go away next year, but Democrats can't bare the thought of Americans seeing how much sense it makes to eliminate it. So we're going to end up with a permanent 45% tax. If we take back control, you can bet that putting the estate tax to death once and for all will be on our priority list,” a Brendan Buck, the Republican Study Committee spokesman.

"Death should not be a taxable event," said Rep. Dave Camp (Mich.), the ranking Republican on the Ways and Means Committee. "Death should not force the sale of family farms or the dissolution of small businesses. The fear of death should not be a reason for Americans to hire a battery of accountants and lawyers to find legal ways to reduce the bite of the estate tax."