Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Darwin vs Dickens

Gina Dalfonzo has an enlightening and thoroughly enjoyable essay here on the Breakpoint website contrasting the widely disparate ideas of two famous writers who both have celebrated anniversaries this past year, Charles Dickens and Charles Darwin. It is really a great read -- and one that doesn't necessarily require you to be "into" biology, literature or philosophy to appreciate.

If you are, all the better.

Gina is an accomplished freelance author but who, among other tasks, also serves as the Writer/Editor of The Point (Charles Colson's Breakpoint blog) and her own Dickensblog.

So go ahead and check out Gina Dalfonzo's "A Tale of Two Worldviews: The Dual Anniversary of Dickens and Darwin." You may want (as I did) to copy it to your notepad, print it off and put in your file drawer for later use. It's that good.