Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Are You a Margaret Dumont Conservative?

Judd Magilnick, the Managing Partner of MarketPlace America (a global consulting firm based in Santa Monica, California) has a very feisty article over at Human Events that I think you'll find of great interest for Mr. Magilnick wants to "defibrillate the G.O.P. elephant" by jolting it with a few juiced-up ideas and techniques. Very cool.

It’s not yet winter, and you can’t call it “discontent”. But as of now, for the opposition party -- something stinks. A year ago, Americans thought they were voting for a thoughtful, moderate Sidney Poitier and they got… someone else. Even our conservative sages, suckled on Reagan optimism, now wonder out loud if America can last to her Tricentennial.

Worse, we don’t seem to know the way out. Jed Babbin of Human Events notes that, innately, conservatives are not wired to support radical solutions -- they are by nature incrementalists. Like some kind of Jared Diamond nightmare, we, the common sense majority, are a biosphere genetically unprotected from the audacity and pace of the changes being imposed on our distracted and challenging lives. Our internal timing and sense of propriety are far too slow to respond to an aggression that knows not from niceties. We are Margaret Dumont, watching the Marx brothers circle us enough times to tie us in gauze ribbon before we ever have the wherewithal to say “gentlemen, what do you think you are doing?”

Against so audacious and fast-moving an opponent, the battle for America will not be won on the field of wonkery. Sure, our ideas are better. Every day the grim news and statistics from Washington makes that more clear. But as they are fighting to transform America, we must transform the fight...