Tuesday, December 15, 2009

And This is the State of Ethics in America (Lord, Help Us)

* Phil Knight, the co-founder and Chairman of Nike, commenting on Tiger Wood's serial adultery, "When his career is over, you'll look back on these indiscretions as a minor blip."

* The record of indecent and dangerous perversions practiced by homosexual activist and Barack Obama's "Safe Schools" czar, Kevin Jennings, becomes more nauseating every day. The latest revelation? Jennings' championing of graphic and obscene homosexual books in junior high and high schools.

* Casey Johnson is quite a rich girl now. And she'll be a lot richer before too long (she's the heiress to the huge Johnson & Johnson fortune). Nevertheless, she has been charged with first degree residential burglary and receiving stolen property. Johnson allegedly stole a bunch of stuff from her former girlfriend: lingerie, clothing, jewelry, camera, handbags and even personal mail. All total about $22,000 worth of swag.

* That $1.1 trillion spending bill that passed Congress last week? You know, the one that was desperately needed to keep the government operating and food on the table for our troops (at least as the Democrats and newsmen repeatedly assured us)? Well, the fact is that it was a pork-laden monstrosity filled with enormous budget increases and more than 5,000 congressional pet projects. And among the most immoral elements of that bill: 1) a lifting of the ban on the District of Columbia paying for abortions, and 2) giving hundreds of millions of dollars to abortion-advocacy groups overseas, including the United Nations Population Fund.

* Coming from the demented minds of such population controllers as Paul Ehrlich and Richard Attenborough, the Optimum Population Trust is suggesting that green-minded citizens can continue making their carbon-stomping footprints but still feel good about themselves if only they "pay off" their guilt by keeping African babies from being born.