Tuesday, November 10, 2009

White House Cooks the Books Again -- But This Time, the Press Is Noticing

One of the blogs run by the Daily Mail gives a rundown on a few of the newspapers that bothered to do a little fact checking on the White House claims regarding how many jobs were "created or saved" by the stimulus bill.

And, lo and behold, it turns out that Team Obama was lying through their collective teeth.

That, of course, isn't surprising to conservatives or, for that matter, anyone else plugged into the new media. After all, this administration has lied more than a 5-year old who got into the chocolate.

But what is surprising is the number of major newspapers whose reporters are finally beginning to remember what they learned in Journalism 101 -- newspapers like the Denver Post, Sacramento Bee, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, and even the New York Times. Indeed, it's the Times that comes up with my favorite item from the long list of White House fibs:

“In June, the federal government spent $1,047 in stimulus money to buy a rider mower from the Toro Company to cut the grass at the Fayetteville National Cemetery in Arkansas. Now, a report on the government’s stimulus Web site improbably claims that that single lawn mower sale helped save or create 50 jobs.”

Read some of the other takes right here.