Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Quick Hits

* Did you see this video clip of a raving mad Nancy Pelosi, complaining on the House floor about how unfair and irresponsible it is to require a vote on bills that haven't been read yet? Of course, the clip comes from a few years back -- before Pelosi herself was the gal changing the rules and running roughshod over common sense and justice. Pelosi would definitely be squirming at the uncovering of this clip...if, that is, she was still capable of being ashamed. I don't think she is.

* "Reality has not been kind to President Obama’s promises. On November 6, the Bureau of Labor Statistics released their Employment Situation Summary showing that the nation’s unemployment rate had soared from 9.8% to 10.2% in October. You can see how President Obama’s promises compare to reality to the right." (For a close-up view of and additional commentary on the chart, go to this Conn Carroll post over on The Foundry.)

* Oh, how our Republic has sdaly changed. Here is a story and accompanying news clip with Congressman Barney Frank nonchalantly talking about his homosexual relationship with James Ready and about his presence when Ready was busted for growing pot. One wonders where the MSM was on this story. After all, the arrest was a matter of public record; Congressman Frank's prominent name was in the police report; Frank even accompanied Ready to court. And yet two years go by before a local Fox station manages to break the story? Get outta town.

* A lying Congressman isn't news per se. Neither is a promise-breaking Congressman. But when a new Congressman both lies and breaks 4 campaign promises in his first hour on the job? Wow. That's the infamous "NY 23" victor Bill Owens diving into the tank. And had his real intentions been known, the Conservative Party nominee would almost certainly be occupying the office. Do the Democrats really think this is a good omen for the future?

* According to Representative Earl Blumenauer of Oregon (a loyal party man), President Obama in his arm-twisting of Democrats to vote for the Obama/Pelosi health care disaster, used this question to urge compliance? “Does anybody think that the teabag, anti-government people are going to support them if they bring down health care? All it will do is confuse and dispirit Democratic voters and it will encourage the extremists." Well, nice to know what the President of the United States thinks about more than half of his country's citizens, huh?

* Rick Pearcey comments on the stunningly insensitive comment made by Army chief of staff Gen. George Casey on ABC's "This Week." Casey said that although what happened at Fort Hood was a tragedy, "I believe it would be an even greater tragedy if our diversity becomes a casualty here."

Writes Pearcey on his web blog, Pro-Existence, "I'm sorry, but this smacks of politically correct nonsense. And it's dangerous, to boot. The United States is founded upon the Declaration of Independence, not upon declarations of diversity. The difference in concept and practice is immense.

It's the difference between a George Washington who respects the Constitution and the Declaration and the unique Creator upon whom the content of liberty rests, as opposed to an Obama regime that rejects these foundations and rushes to remake America in the image of race, class, gender, and other passionate envys.

And note the result. While these "diversities" divide and conquer, there is a unity that grows in power: The Washington-centric federal state reigns supreme over all.

You may not hear this on the evening news, but in the hands of pretend gods, diversity is a weakness. And the worship of it seems a surefire way to lose the war on terror. Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan and the "Allahu Akbar" people probably like that."