Thursday, November 05, 2009

Quick Hits

* A New Zealand politician is proving once again that you can't talk out loud about elitist, eugenics philosophy. That stuff is apparently okay to motivate population controllers and Planned Parenthood officials who are still carrying out the racist claptrap of their founder Margaret Sanger. But you can't go on the radio and openly talk about paying the "appalling underclass" not to breed.

* Al Gore is poised to become the world's first "carbon billionaire," reaping huge profits from the global warming hype he has been so successful in generating. Never mind the hard science. Never mind the defensiveness of this New York Times profile of Gore's business activity. Follow the money and see if you don't think there's something besides "Al-truism" going on here.

* "Senate Democrats have blocked a Republican attempt to require next year's census forms to ask people whether they are a U.S. citizen." You would think this would be a common sense reform, right? But the Democrats are not interested in true reform any more than they are in fairness, accountability, transparency in government, or justice for taxpayers.

* John Nolte at Big Hollywood gives the lyrics to 11 new "Obama praise songs" that educators are coaching schoolkids to sing. Yes, these are in addition to the ones you've already watched in disgust. Be be forewarned -- several of the video clips Nolte offered have already been removed by You Tube which is becoming well known for its unjust censorship policies.

* The administration's figures about the number of jobs "created or saved" by Congress' boondoggle stimulus continue to be shown up as super-inflated. And though the media are generally going along with the gag (i.e. not bothering to inform the public of the truth), some of the more independent and responsible journalists like ABC's Jake Tapper are shining the light on the lying numbers.

* The New York Times tries in this story to present Oklahoma Senator Tom Coburn's "Dr. No" image as an irascible Republican curmudgeon. It just doesn't work. The truth comes through that Coburn is a common sense, Constitutionally-minded, hard-working, morally responsible physician and Senator -- a fellow that most Americans would not only trust but who would like to go fishing with.

Erick Erickson over at Red State says that the administration and most of its lapdog press will keep telling you that Tuesday's Republican gubernatorial victories in Virginia and New Jersey are anything but a rebuke to Team Obama policies. But he then lines up the facts that are squirmingly uncomfortable to the White House and, more importantly, to those Democrat politicians who must soon face their own reelection bids.

* And oh yes...the New York Yankees won the World Series.