Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Methinks They Protest Too Much: Abortionists' Complaints About the Pelosi Bill Disguise Their Private Glee

Here's an interesting case of a fired-up, pro-abortion feminist complaining that Planned Parenthood and NARAL were not pro-abortion enough given their latest efforts with the Obama/Pelosi health care bill.


My take is that this is just another way for radical pro-abortionists like Jane Hamsher to spin the boondoggle bill. Specifically, it spins it in such a way that "moderate," supposedly pro-life Democrats are given an excuse to vote for the bill -- when everyone on the inside knows it will eventually give the abortionists all they want anyhow!

You think I'm being paranoid?

No, call it first the experience of 30 years in pro-life work.

And then call it simple awareness of what the mainstream media isn't telling the public. Like powerful Democrat Senator Henry Waxman refusing to guarantee that the Stupak amendment won't be thrown out with the trash when Democrat leaders of both houses of Congress get together and re-work the bill.

Indeed, speaking of guarantees, Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz, the Democrats’ chief deputy whip in the House, IS giving one that the Stupak amendment will be stripped from the final health care bill. “I am confident that when it comes back from the conference committee that that language won't be there."

No, you can count on it, the crying coming from the pro-abortion lobby is all crocodile tears. They're playing the same game they have for decades; namely, help out the Democrats with effective pro-life constituencies in their districts to find excuses to promote abortion legislation.

Guys, don't let it work this time.

Continue to write and call "moderates" like Nebraska's Ben Nelson and let them know that you're watching very, very carefully what's happening with the legislation. For instance, quote Rep. Wasserman in your letters. Remind them that the alternative media gives you a pretty clear window into political machinations and so you are much more aware of the intents (and even the tactics) of Democrat schemes than in previous years. Inform them most clearly that you're tired of excuses and blame and back-room dealings.

And let them know that you're going to do your doggonedest to flush out of office any scalawag who plays politics as usual.