Wednesday, October 14, 2009

A Sample Letter to Politicians Regarding the Health Care Bills

Dear _____________,

I know from several reputable sources (news organizations and even admissions from Democrat leaders) that the current health care reform bills would all promote abortion. This is emphasized by the fact that every single amendment proposed to specifically eliminate abortion funding in those bills was defeated -- every one of them!

So get this thing straight. I oppose abortion. I do not want to fund abortion with my tax money. I do not want the government to promote abortion, provide for abortion or interfere in any way with the consciences of individuals and organizations that desire to protect human life at all stages of development.

So enough with the fence-straddling, the vague and ultimately meaningless promises about the Hyde Amendment, and the silly justification that doing anything is better than doing nothing. The wise Anthony Trollope once wrote, "It has been the great fault of our politicians that they have all wanted to do something." Senator, restrain yourself from this naive passion and unless you can give the American people a health care bill bill that is affordable, practical and, most of all, that carefully and comprehensively defends the sanctity of all human life...don't do anything! I repeat, don't do anything!

What we have, with all its limitations and problems, is infinitely superior to what your party is trying to ram down our throats.

Work heartily against -- and then proudly vote against these terrible bills.
