Thursday, October 15, 2009

The Liberal's Crazed "Dog Pile" on Rush Limbaugh

This affair of Rush Limbaugh being denied a business opportunity simply because he is a conservative (indeed, so effective a conservative that he has been villified on false charges, smarmy innuendos and invented quotes) is a sad sign of our times.

And it's a stern warning of what conservatives have waiting for us...even more than what we've dealt with so far; namely, more intolerance, more character assassination, more politically-correct pressures to shut up, and more aggressive persecution if we fail to properly kow-tow to the powers that be.

There's several articles of value on this matter but I offer only this one, Toby Harnden's "The Rush Limbaugh Media Lynch Mob" in the Telegraph.

But, of course, it will also be worth your while to zip over to the official Rush Limbaugh guest site as well.

Oh, one other thing. This whole mess is just the latest incident to sour me on the NFL, particularly the Indiana Colt's owner Jim Irsay and NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell giving classic "knee-jerk, liberal jerk" responses to Limbaugh's bid. Very ugly. Very cruel. And very, very unfair.