Thursday, October 15, 2009

The Fish and Wildlife Service Boogies Down with Climate Change Hysteria

Name three things that mean next to nothing to government bureaucrats.

1) Hard facts (be they scientific, historical or economic).

2) Common sense.

3) Your money.

Right on every point.

An example from today's news?

Over the next five years, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) plans to make climate change its “highest priority.”

According to its new “Action Plan” released last month, the branch of the U.S. Department of Interior charged with protecting fish, wildlife and plants will focus first and foremost on the global weather.

“Climate change must become our highest priority,” a fact sheet attached to the plan said. “Consequently, we will deploy our resources, creativity and energy in a long-term campaign to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and safeguard fish, wildlife and their habitats.”...

That report makes no bones about just how seriously the FWS considers the climate situation to be. “(A)s a Service, we are committed to examining everything we do, every decision we make, and every dollar we spend through the lens of climate change,” it declares on page one.

The report compares the modern fight against climate change to past efforts to ban the pesticide DDT...

You see what I mean? It makes no difference to the nitwits at the FWS that man-made climate change has been debunked by hard science nor that their model (banning DDT) has brought on the monstrous horror of millions of people dying needlessly from malaria and other diseases!

In the service of bogus science, terribly misplaced priorities, and politically-correct's your tax dollars at work.