Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Did You Miss Columbus Day? (That's What You Were Supposed To Do.)

...About the only factor still keeping Columbus on the calendar in places like New York is his role in the Italian-American community, which have made many Mayors and Governors reluctant to toss the great explorer completely overboard. But while Ferdinand and Isabella may have brought Columbus back in chains, modern day political correctness banishes him to the darkened dungeon of non-personhood, erasing him from history and replacing him with a note reading, “I’m Sorry We Ever Discovered America.”...

And that is the ultimate goal of political correctness, to kill America’s soul. To stick George Washington, Patrick Henry, Jefferson, John Smith, James Bowie, Paul Revere, Hamilton, Adams, Franklin and all the rest on a shelf in a back room somewhere, and replace them with timelier Marxist and liberal heroes. Move over Columbus, Caesar Chavez needs this space. Forget Davy Crockett, the heroic General Santa Ana who was caught fleeing dressed as a woman will now be our hero for his resistance to colonialist imperialism. No more American heroes need apply. Followed of course by no more America.

This is how it all begins. Probably the final bit of politically correct lunacy is a headline in the Columbus Dispatch about the Columbus Day festival in the city of Columbus, Ohio. It reads, “Italian Festival honors controversial explorer with its own Columbus Day parade”. Once the great discover of America, Columbus is now called “controversial” by a newspaper named after him, in a city named after him.

Can the day when USA Today has a headline reading, “Some cities still plan controversial 4th of July celebration of American independence” be far behind?

(Daniel Greenfield, "America Apologizes for its Own Existence," Canada Free Press)