Thursday, October 15, 2009

California Kids Perform Miserably on the Nation's Report Card

California, the state whose unemployment rate has soared to more than 12% (the highest figure in 70 years), the state that has resorted to giving workers I.O.U.'s instead of paychecks, the state that is slashing spending in education and health care to try and stay afloat -- and, oh yes, the state that is borrowing hundreds of millions of dollars to build massive new buildings which are set apart for ESCR/human cloning "research," just got some more bad news about how its foolish priorities are hurting its citizens.

Only 30% of California's fourth-graders and 23 % of the states eighth-graders tested "proficient" in the math portion of the "nation's report card" given each year by the National Assessment of Education Progress.

That's a pitiful performance, ranking California near the bottom in the national rankings. Mississippi, Alabama and Washington, D.C. had even lower scores on the tests.