Friday, October 16, 2009

Al Gore Advised Google About "Aspects of Search Quality" -- And You Wondered Why Google Leaned Left?

Anyone who is at all politically savvy and who has also spent a few hours web browsing knows that the Google search service lurches (no, make that regularly leans) to the left. It is a key illustration of how the uneven playing field conservatives have contended with for years in other venues has transported itself to the internet.

Now here's a tidbit from Noel Sheppard over at NewsBusters about Al Gore (the inventor of the world wide web himself) having advised Google a few years ago about "aspects of search quality."

Writes Sheppard about the New Yorker article which presents this fact, "By themselves, the following paragraphs from this 6500-word piece don't mean much. However, given the ongoing concerns about Google's political leanings and how its search algorithms might be manipulated to favor liberal news outlets over conservative points of view, the very idea that Gore might have had any input to this process is worrisome to say the least..."

There's more at this post, including links to several other stories that NewsBusters has done about Google's liberal proclivities. It's important stuff for conservatives to know.