Thursday, September 10, 2009

Why Is Team Obama So Cozy with Manuel Zelaya?

Juan Carlos Hidalgo, over at the Cato at Liberty site, has a striking question, one that almost all of the liberty-loving Western press refuses to ask -- What foreign policy principle is the Obama administration applying in Honduras when they continue to support a leftist criminal like Manuel Zelaya (shown in this photo with his friend, Hugo Chavez) over the more democratic principles that mark the de facto government?

Hidalgo has a few important observations.

As does Quincy at The Liberty Papers: "The Obama Administration has been going out of its way to be on the wrong side of both the law and morality when it comes to Honduras. Obama has his first chance to rebuke the shameful history of the US being propping up dictators in Latin America and what does he do? He goes out of his way to prop up a would-be dictator who had neither the support of the people nor of the Honduran Constitution. He’s laid sanctions on the Honduran people. He refuses to recognize the legal, constitutional government of a country."

As do the editors of the Arizona Republic: "Much about the Obama administration's unyielding support for ousted Honduras President Manuel Zelaya is simply baffling. President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton clearly want Zelaya back in office. They just have never explained exactly why...Why? The mind boggles. If the administration immediately had gotten its way - if the "usurpers" of Zelaya's presidency had caved early - Zelaya would have enjoyed a U.S.-backed mandate to pursue his wildest "Dictator for Life" fantasies. If the U.S. succeeds now at muscling Honduras' interim government, the consequences could be infinitely worse. Political tensions within Honduras' borders are explosive. The sudden, triumphal return of Zelaya could prove catastrophic. All on behalf of a man who is scheduled to leave office in January, presuming he does not successfully bury his nation's constitution before then. With Obama and Clinton in his corner, don't bet against him..."