The President is creating a most amazingly "czardom" to run things, an unprecedented system which takes power away from the democratic process and gives it instead to a radically leftist clique headquartered in the White House.
Already we have "czars" for Afghanistan (Richard Holbrooke); International Climate (Todd Stern); Health (Nancy-Ann DeParle); Stimulus Accountability (Earl Devaney); Regulatory (Cass Sunstein); Auto Recovery (Ed Montgomery); Energy and Environment (Carol Brower); Domestic Violence (Lynn Rosenthal); Urban Affairs (Adolfo Carrion Jr.); AIDS (Jeffrey Crowley); Guantanamo Closure (Daniel Fried); Terrorism (John Brennan); California Water (David J. Hayes); Great Lakes (Cameron Davis); Faith-Based stuff (Joshua DuBois); Sudan (J. Scott Gration); Central Region (Dennis Ross); Green Jobs (Van Jones -- no, this nut is now out; another "czar" will be named soon); Weapons of Mass Destruction Policy (Gary Samore); Weapons (apparantly of only minor destruction, Ashton Carter); Border stuff (Alan Bersin); Economics (Paul Volcker); International Climate (Todd Stern); Drugs (Gil Kerlikowske); Mideast Peace (George Mitchell); Intelligence (Dennis Blair); Science (John Holdren, a loon even by Team Obama standards); Pay (Kenneth Feinberg); Technology (Aneesh Chopra); Information (Vivek Kundra); and the Troubled Asset Relief Program (Herb Allison).
Joining the list today will be Ron Bloom as Car Czar.
This remarkable escalation of bureaucracy makes the prayer of Fiddler on the Roof's rabbi all the more pertinent to us. Remember? When Leibesh asks, "Is there a proper blessing for the Czar?" The rabbi thinks a moment and replies, "A blessing for the czar? Of course. May God bless and keep the Czar... far away from us!"
Barack Obama is determined to move directly against that prayer, shoving more and more of these meddlesome czars into our lives, taking control away from not only Congress and state legislators...but from you and I.