"When all legal channels of opposition have been exhausted, concerned citizens have to take action into their own hands to protect life and the planet," Jason Crawford, a spokesman for the group, said in a news release.
The document went on to boast of the destructive impact the thugs have caused. The ELF described itself in the press release as "an international underground organization that uses direct action in the form of economic sabotage to stop the systematic exploitation and destruction of the planet. Since its inception in North America in 1996, the ELF has inflicted well over $150 million in damages to corporations and governmental agencies that are profiting from the destruction of the Earth."
But because of irresponsible media coverage of eco-terrorism, poor investigation and prosecution policies by agencies pressured by political-correctness, and lawless judges who let these high dollar, high danger criminals skate away, these "green gangsters" will only escalate the extortion, the destruction and the violence.