Friday, September 11, 2009

Falling Numbers, Fading Faith

The number of Americans who watched President Obama's speech to the full Congress about health care the other night was down 38.6% from his first such address back in February.

And those who did watch are beginning to see through the glitz, the smooth patter and the increasingly transparent distortions of truth that the President dishes out.

Perhaps it's because we know too much about how his vaunted oratorical skills are, in fact, dependent on the teleprompters. We have, after all, seen him on many occasions now without their help -- and the guy is terrible. Slow, inexact, stumbling from phrase to phrase in desperate search for a rational sentence.

Perhaps its because we've seen his aura of gravitas fade after all the narcissism, the apology tours, the anti-American kooks he assembled for his team, all the media worship, and the unrestrained arrogance he displays as he rams down our throats the most outrageous, dangerous and budget-busting socialist programs.

And perhaps its because we now know that Barack Obama is, in the words of Joe Wilson, a liar.

One of those watching the speech and seeing through it was comedienne, Victoria Jackson.

I’m lying in my Tiffany blue bedroom, in the dark, listening to the President tell lies. He’s so good at it, that he is smiling and lots of people are clapping.

He says, “Public Option. No one will have to change, if they like their present situation.” LIE.
He says, “My plan will not add one dime to the deficit.” LIE.

(Congressional Budget Committee speak up!)

He says that if we don’t act now, the country will fall apart. LIE.

He says that quality of health care won’t suffer. LIE

He says that there won’t be rationing and those that say there will be are liars. LIE.

He says that the Republicans have no solutions to offer up. LIE

(Several of them lift papers into the air.)

He says that this is not socialism. LIE

He says this is the “moral” thing to do! LIE

(Take money from the middle class and give it to the non-taxpayers and illegals?!)

He says this won’t insure the illegals! LIE….

And then, wait, I choke on my caffeine-free Diet Coke… Like a voice from above, I think I just heard someone shout out, just what I was thinking, ”LIE!”

I can’t believe it! Someone used the real word, not the politically correct word, “Disingenuous!” Nancy Pelosi’s big, arrogant smile suddenly drops and she looks over to the Republican side of the room with the mean glare of a stern librarian! This is fantastic theatre!

Biden isn’t listening to a word of this speech. He’s trying to decide whether to wear a serious face, or a happy face, or a concerned face, or a mad face. So his expression results in a combination of all of the above.

I’m new to politics. Is it always like this?!...

Read the rest of Victoria's Big Hollywood column right here.