Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Nebraska's Ben Nelson Holds One (Count 'Em, One) Town Hall Meeting In Omaha

Senator Ben Nelson constantly claims to be an independent Democrat...despite his party line votes on bloated, pork-filled budget-busting bills which he hasn't even read.

Now he's ducking for cover on the monstrously misconceived health care bill, scheduling only one (yes, just one) town hall meeting in his state's largest city.

And that meeting is being held during the middle of a business day and in a venue that seats less than 500 people.

Open government? Responsive government? Independent Democrat? Sigh. Three strikes and you're out, Ben.

Oh, by the way, Senator Nelson's latest letter to us (one responding to our criticism of the abortion promotion in the current Democrat health care bill) reminds us of his personal pro-life sentiments. But he says absolutely nothing about the provisions in the bill regarding mandated coverage of abortion, elimination of protection of conscience, even heavier government promotion of counter-productive sex education (which leads to more abortions), mandated coverage for contraceptives (including chemicals and devices which act after implantation and are thus abortifacients), etc.

Because you were working today, you weren't able to tell the Senator what you think of that "health care" bill, the one that will work every bit as efficiently as the government post office, the welfare program and the war on drugs. So, let him know through an e-mail or a phone call. He may duck those avenues too but, at least, you've given it a try.

Senator Nelson's office phone number is (202) 224-6551. And you can use this link to send him an e-mail. My quick note to him is printed below.

Dear Senator:

I couldn't make your town hall meeting because, like most Nebraskans, I was at work. And at work, it seems, to help pay for yet another budget-busting bill coming out of Congress -- one that will mandate abortion coverage, eliminate abstinence-based sex ed (proven over and again to be the most efficient), and overturn freedom of conscience.

Good grief!

Please, Senator; quit talking about how independent you are and just come out forcefully against this mess. It's way past time.


Denny Hartford