Friday, August 14, 2009

Dem Congressman Admits: ObamaCare Will Cover Abortion

From Tony Perkins at the Family Research Council:

For those of you keeping track, the number of proofs that abortion is included in the health care overhaul officially hit seven yesterday at a townhall meeting in San Jose, California. House Democrat Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-Calif.) did a fine job of making FRC's case after a member of the audience specifically asked about the abortion mandate. The text of the exchange follows.

QUESTION: "[This is a ] health care plan that is covering abortion, which we know that over 90% of abortions are purely elective, not medically necessary. Why is this being covered when abortion is clearly not health care?" (Applause).

REP. LOFGREN: "[This is a] basic benefit plan developed by, um, health professionals... Abortion will be covered as a benefit by one or more of the health care plans available to Americans, and I think it should be."

It doesn't get any clearer than that. Maybe this explains Planned Parenthood's cold feet on FRC's debate challenge. Thirteen days ago, I invited Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards to join me for a public forum on whether taxpayers would be forced to fund abortion under the current health care bills. She has yet to respond. Of course, we can all understand her apprehension, now that House Democrats are freely admitting that Richards' organization is in line to receive even more health care dollars than the $300 million Uncle Sam already provides.

Meanwhile, I want to thank the almost 16,000 of you who answered our call to email Cecile. Together, we'll keep encouraging her to show up and face the facts. Until then, I encourage you to see the evidence for yourself. Check out FRC Action's new one-pager,
"Seven Reasons Abortion Is Included in the Health Care Overhaul."