Thursday, July 09, 2009

When Companies Mistreat You, Sing Out! (Like Dave Carroll's "United Breaks Guitars") featured a link this morning to the terrific video clip I post below. You'll love it, particularly if you are a traveler who has hassled with irresponsible, uncaring airline employees before. In fact, Dave Carroll's song will bring a smile to everyone who has to deal with any company's (or government's) unresponsive clerks, pass-the-buck telephone operators, and bumbling bureaucrats.

The full story of Dave Carroll's bad experience with United Airlines (as well as his subsequent mission) can be read here. It's an all too common story but you gotta' dig Dave's decision to fight back...especially in the creative, fun way he chose.

So, if you would like to help Dave Carroll send a message to deadbeat companies everywhere who refuse to do the right thing for their customers, watch the video and then pass along this post to your friends. C'mon; let's get that million hits!