Or maybe its his ego that's so thick, making him impervious to doctrinal purity and good sense -- that is, as long as liberals in the MSM are there to praise him as daring, innovative and progressive.
"Really, Mortimer; he's not at all like those other snake-handling, creationist, pulpit pounders out there. Sure, he's still a Southern Baptist but he's shaken off all that fundamentalist stuff. I mean, the guy has gone green, has homosexual friends, and chats with Barack Obama."
"No kidding, Mort; this Rick Warren is becoming as open-minded and inclusive as they come -- well, he's not a Unitarian, maybe but check this out -- Warren's teaming up with Muslims (You heard me right, Mort, Muslims!) to end 'the five global giants.' And just what are those giants, you ask. Well, they ain't what you think, Mort. They're war, poverty, corruption, disease and illiteracy -- regular liberal religionist stuff. Not sin. Not the devil. Not doctrines of demons. Not false religion. Not terrorism. Not self-centeredness or greed or sexual deviancy. And did you notice, Mortimer? Not abortion. I'm telling you...this guy isn't a conservative Christian anymore. He really is one of us."