Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Quick Hits

* Still wondering about where Sonia Sotomayor stands on abortion? You might ask NARAL. They endorsed her yesterday.

* Even Democrats are "baffled" on Barack Obama's treatment of the health care mess.

* The Washington Times has an exclusive report about allegations that Honduran President Manuel Zelaya and his chief of staff stole millions of dollars from the central bank before the military ousted Mr. Zelaya last month.

* Evolutionary anthropologists can really get loopy, taking the barest of bones (pun intended) and making the most extravagant of imaginary soups. Here's a report out of Duke University suggesting that a sliced rib in one of their Neanderthal skeletons is evidence of "inter-species aggression." Yep, they've decided that modern man (that foul thing) killed off the lovable Neanderthals.

* New Miami Dolphins owner Stephen Ross continues to sell pieces of his franchise. First it was Emilio and Gloria Estefan getting some of the action. Now it's Marc Anthony and his wife, Jennifer Lopez.