Friday, July 03, 2009

Ohio Supreme Court Allows Planned Parenthood To Keep Breaking the Law, Endangering Girls

Dawn Eden, now writing for Americans United for Life, has reports on two developments involving the nation's largest (by far) abortionist, Planned Parenthood and a schizophrenic Ohio Supreme Court.

One involved a defeat for Planned Parenthood in which the Ohio Supreme Court ruled to uphold a state law regulating that abortion centers must properly follow FDA guidelines in administering RU-486.

Now, whether or not PP will abide by the ruling is another matter. They are, as you know, notorious for ignoring the law altogether. And they routinely get away with because of an outrageous laxity in enforcement by civil authorities.

And that includes the courts themselves. Thus, in the second case, that same Ohio Supreme Court has allowed Planned Parenthood to hide records that could serve as vital evidence that the organization was not only breaking the law but also grossly endangering the health and welfare of young girls.

Planned Parenthood had failed to alert parents of their young daughters’ abortions and to notify law enforcement officials of suspected sexual abuse.

Dr. Charmaine Yoest, AUL President & CEO, stated: “The American public is rightly outraged by Planned Parenthood’s blatant disregard for the welfare of young girls and their penchant for prioritizing profits over compliance with the law. Parents everywhere should be outraged that this court is now protecting a business that thrives on exploiting the most vulnerable.”

And the robed solons of the Ohio Supreme Court says, "Who cares?"