In light of expanded federal guidelines on embryonic stem cell research which were confirmed by the Obama Administration yesterday; coupled with statements by University of Nebraska Board of Regents Chairman Kent Schroeder, Nebraska Right to Life is calling upon the Regents to hold a special meeting to address NU's current policy.
"Chairman Schroeder has indicated in the media that the issue of unethical medical research will not come up at the Regents' September meeting as he will be absent and the issue is too important to not discuss without the full Board present." said Julie Schmit-Albin, Executive Director of Nebraska Right to Life. "The Regents already put off discussion of its policy governing unethical research earlier this year when NU President James Milliken asked them to wait until the commentary period on the new federal guidelines had elapsed. Pro-life organizations attended the April Regents meeting but did not call for action at that time, considering President Milliken's request. Now the new regulations are in place and we are hearing that the Regents can't take up this issue in September."
"We have seen such delays before when dealing with unethical research issues at the Legislature. The University of Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC) benefits from time elapsing with no action taken by the Regents." said Schmit-Albin. "Our concern is a delay allows UNMC to enter the grants process for expanded embryonic stem cell lines. Once that process begins, their mantra becomes, 'don't put a stop to something already started.' Then it becomes harder for the Regents to address their standing policy of following the Federal Administration's guidelines."
“Added to our concern about delaying a decision is a statement made by UNMC’s Dr. James Turpen in May at a Science CafĂ© event in Lincoln.” said Schmit-Albin. “Dr. Turpen stated in the 5/14/09 Lincoln Journal Star that, ‘a public armed with facts and understanding of science is better able to appreciate and apply scientific advances and to vote knowledgeably on ballot issues and initiatives related to science.’”
Nebraska Right to Life wrote the Regents on 5/15/09 about Dr. Turpen's statements asking them to question UNMC about any potential move to put the question of unethical medical research on the ballot through the initiative petition process. "Our concern is that UNMC could get around both the legislative and Regents' process by getting cleverly-worded language into the Nebraska Constitution supporting unethical research." said Schmit-Albin.
"These developments should be alarming to all pro-life Nebraskans and we are asking the grassroots to contact their Regents immediately to ask that a special meeting be called to address the Regents' policy." said Schmit-Albin. “Otherwise it appears that all of these events will work toward the NU Regents allowing expanded embryonic stem cell research and UNMC may well be in a position to encourage a ballot initiative in Nebraska which could enshrine unethical research into our State Constitution.”
Let's follow through with what Julie suggests. Here's the District Map showing who your regent is. Now their respective addresses can be found on this N.U. web page (just click on the name).