Thursday, July 02, 2009

Leftist Organization's Pattern of Lies and Intimidation Exposed

The myriad of legal complaints to the IRS filed by Americans United for Separation of Church and State have been almost exclusively leveled against conservative churches. That's hardly a surprise.

Nevertheless, this press release explains how the Liberty Counsel is fighting back against the audaciously hypocritical leftist group, primarily in exposing to the public Americans United patterns of lies and intimidation.

...AU is not concerned about truth. Its statements are designed to intimidate, silence, and harm those with whom it disagrees. AU’s activity is both reckless and partisan. It is reckless because AU never investigates the accuracy of its alleged complaints. AU’s pattern of reckless disregard for the truth, coupled with its malicious intent to injure those with whom it disagrees, is patently obvious. While the IRS considers such complaints confidential and will not release information to the public pending investigations, AU is only interested in getting its name in the media.

Mathew D. Staver, Founder of Liberty Counsel and Dean of Liberty University School of Law, commented: “The politically partisan pattern of Americans United is clear. Time after time the organization picks on churches whose pastors lean toward conservative or Republican candidates. At the same time, it ignores churches whose pastors lean toward Democratic candidates. Aside from the obvious bias of Americans United, the organization has never been successful in causing the IRS to revoke the tax-exempt status of any church. Indeed, the IRS has never revoked the tax-exempt status of any church for engaging in political activity. Congress ought to repeal any restriction in the IRS Code that limits churches from addressing political issues and candidates for public office. Such restrictions undermine our democratic process and are an offense to the open political discourse that has made America a great nation.”

(Thanks for alerting me to this, Jesse.)