That's the complaint of Rev. Jeremiah Wright, the anti-Semitic, radical minister who was Barack Obama's spiritual mentor for two decades. In other words, a nefarious group of people around Obama are forcing the president to behave contrary to his interests and instincts. Such are the Sauron-like powers ascribed to Obama advisors who, having eaten of the fruit of the matzo, now control the president and vast swaths of the nation...
But pride has turned to alarm as even some liberal American Jews are getting it: the Obama administration, including "them Jews," is uniquely hostile to Israel. For the first time since its founding, Israel is viewed by a U.S. president as the impediment to peace in the Middle East. And "them Jews" around him are working hard to make sure the anti-Israel views of the president are carried out in policy. Rahm Emanuel, for example, the president's Jewish chief of staff, has been reported by Richard Baehr to be behind the effort to force Israel to submit to Palestinian demands while the president cultivates Arab despots. And there is ample evidence that Obama, assisted by his minyan, will put more pressure on a Jewish state that is anathema to his radical allies.
As a result, the attitudes of American Jews are changing, however slowly. Kvell has turned to kvetch (the wonderful Yiddish word for whine or complain) as even the Jewish press, which spent the past year vying with Newsweek and mainstream television networks for a place at the Obama altar, realizes the truth of one of those rules around which God centered his scripture: "They sow the wind and reap the whirlwind." One prominent Jewish weekly did not need the Weather Channel or Winston Churchill to note the gathering storm at the six month mark of this radical administration, asking frankly "Will U.S. Jews Stand With Israel -- Or Obama?"...
Dr. Stuart Schwartz goes on in this American Thinker article to describe the secular, self-centered worldview of those Jews who have gathered around the president. It is a troubling (but important) read.