Monday, June 15, 2009

Public School Teacher Sacked Because of His Conservative Views

There's a lot more of this going around than gets press coverage.

And for every case that does surface, there's hundreds more in which Christians and other cultural conservatives who work in the government schools are scared away from any statements, alliances or behavior that the administration might deem politically incorrect.

Chloe Mercer, who graduated Lawrence High School last month, said Latham's class was her favorite and said he was fair despite his decision not to show Obama's inauguration in class.

"He chose not to show it, but he printed out Obama's speech and we read it and discussed what we felt was good about it," Mercer told "[Latham] was fair. He listened to all sides of every issue. He actually made print-outs of every candidate and how they felt on certain hot-button issues."...

Asked if she felt Latham brought his personal politics into the classroom, Mercer replied, "Not really. He was very good about looking at both candidates. Sometimes his conservative side would show, but my opinion along with anyone else's was always valued."

Mercer, a self-described liberal, said she hopes school officials revisit their decision. She's one of many current and former Lawrence High students supporting Latham on a Facebook page.

"It's really disappointing because he's a really good teacher," she said. "It doesn't seem fair. Why would they let a good teacher go?"

Why, indeed.